How to Pay With Bitcoin and Other Crypto Currencies
Bitcoin and altcoins are the most discreet payment methods. It is best to use in making purchases for research chemicals as it ensures anonymity and discretion. Do not submit an order when you are not ready with payment.

How to Buy Bitcoin
To make the payment with Bitcoin, you have to make sure you have it available in your wallet. If not, you have to consider buying Bitcoin first. Getting Bitcoin is easy these days with websites like Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinMama, Coinbase and Bitcoin ATMs.
How to Make Payment with Bitcoin
When you have Bitcoin available in your wallet, you can then use it to make your payment on
Choose the product you want to buy, add it to your cart, and then proceed to checkout.
On the checkout page, select Bitcoin as a payment option and click on place order.
When you click on place order, you will be directed to the Bitcoin payment page.
On the Bitcoin payment page, you’ll see the Bitcoin address to use in making the payment as well as the amount to be paid in Bitcoin.
Open your Bitcoin wallet and Click on the Send button.
Copy Both the Bitcoin address and payment amount on the payment page and paste them into your wallet one after the other. Click on Send and you are done.
How to Pay with Altcoins - Other Crypto Currencies.
Altcoins are other Cryptocurrencies apart from bitcoin. The altcoins we accept are Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Dash, and Litecoin. To make the payment with Altcoin, you must have it available in your wallet.
Choose the product you want to buy, add it to the cart, and then proceed to check out.
On the checkout page, select Altcoin as a payment option. Select which cryptocurrency you’d like to use from the dropdown menu.
Once you select the cryptocurrency, the corresponding Wallet Address and Amount will load.
The Altcoin address might not be completely visible but do not worry, just click on the Box in which the Wallet Address is found and the complete address will be copied automatically.
Open YOUR corresponding Altcoin Wallet which should either be Ethereum, Dash, Monero, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash.
Copy Both the Altcoin address and payment amount from the checkout page and paste it in your Wallet one after the other.
Enter your transaction ID and complete the order. The transaction ID can be found in your Wallet’s “Activities” Section.