Buy PCP (Angel Dust)

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PCP for sale, Order Angel Dust Online, buy phencyclidine online.

Buy angel dust online on Psychedeler. Phencyclidine is a drug used for its mind-altering effects, The drug was introduced in the market in the 1950s. We have the purest form of PCP available for sale online. Buy Phencyclidine for a lower price today.

The Molar mass is: 243.387 g/mol
The formula is: C17H25N
The Melting point is: 46.5 °C (115.7 °F)
The Duration of action is: 6–48 hours
The onset of action is: 2–60 min
Order Pcp online today! Psychedeler



Buy PCP Online, Phencyclidine for sale, Purchase Angel Dust.

Buy  PCP online today on Psychedeler.  PCP is a white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It quickly dissolves in water or alcohol. PCP can also come as tablets or capsules. Order Angel Dust online or buy pure phencyclidine crystals only on Psychedeler. Delivery and shipping will be handled by experts. We will ship to all locations.

Buy Wholesale PCP Online, Bulk Angel Dust for Sale, Legal Phencyclidine Supplier.

If you are a chemical researcher, a firm, a biologist or physician looking for some high-quality PCP or Angels dust in any form, contact us today. We will provide you with wholesale Angels Dust for sale or Bulk Phencyclidine for sale online. Fast and expert worldwide delivery.

Looking for Where to Buy Angel Dust Online, Anything I should know before buying?

If you are looking for where to buy angel dust or are considering purchasing PCP online, here are a few facts you should know.

What is PCP or Angel Dust?

Phencyclidine (PCP) is a mind-altering drug that may lead to hallucinations (a profound distortion in a person’s perception of reality for example time and space).  At first, PCP was developed in the 1950s as a surgical anesthetic but was later on discontinued after it was found to cause agitation and mania, hallucinations in users.  Ketamine (Ketalar),  was developed to replace PCP due to it’s a structural similarity to PCP.

If you are looking to buy Phencyclidine ( PCP) or from the streets,  order angel dust online, here are some names to use.

Angel dust, Elephant tranquilizer, Embalming fluid, Hog, Ozone, Wack, Killer joints, The PeaCe pill, Rocket fuel, Supergrass.

What does  PCP look like

Phencyclidine PCP can come in the form of oil, liquid, powder, crystal or pill. The color depends on what form the PCP is in and how pure it is. PCP oil is typically yellow. Pure Phencyclidine PCP powder and crystals can range from white to a brownish color.

How is it taken?

Users may smoke, snort, swallow, or inject Phencyclidine PCP.   Angel Dust can also be smoked. It is usually sprayed onto herbs like cannabis or tobacco. Some users often deep cigarettes or blunts into liquid PCP. This method is sometimes referred to as ’embalming fluid’.

Phencyclidine  for sale – First brief History

You are looking for where to find Angel dust for sale online. Do you know it’s history? Find out below.

PCP was first made in 1926 and introduced to the market as an anesthetic medication in the 1950s. While usage peaked there in the 1970s,  between 2005 and 2011 a sore up of emergency medical visits due to the negative effects of PCP.  Recently in 2017 in the United States, about 1% of people in grade twelve reported using PCP.

Purchase Phencyclidne or Angel Dust. – Chemistry

So you are interested in buying Phensyclidine online, here is the chemistry behind the PCP compound.

PCP is an arylcyclohexylamine. It exerts its pharmacological action through inhibition of NMDA receptors (receptors, N-methyl-D-aspartate). Chemical names, PHENCYCLIDINE, 1-(1-Phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine, Fenciclidina.

Angel Dust For Sale Online – Find out the Effects of Consuming PCP.

When you buy Phencyclidine PCP, before consuming it, know its effects.

How do you feel when on Angel Dust?

PCP is an anesthetic and painkiller, which means that it can produce dreamlike and ‘floaty’ or numb feelings.

PCP is mood changing and the way you feel in ways you don’t expect.

Angel dust can cause this number of effects

  • Euphoria, a great feeling of intense happiness
  • Sound, image and body distortion, seeing and hearing things. Hallucinating.
  • Depersonalization or feelings of detachment an out of the body feeling.
  • Loss of balance and coordination
  • Loss of sensitivity to pain which can be dangerous.
  • Anxiety, agitation, and mood swings
  • Numbness in the arms and legs

Other people may notice that the user is showing:

  • poor coordination and an unsteady gait
  • bloodshot eyes and rapid eye movements
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • confusion and disorientation
  • Couch locked

Additional effects might include.

Rigid muscles, delusions, amnesia, or memory loss, chills and sweating, irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure, reduced breathing rate, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

High doses can lead to seizures, coma, damage to the skeletal muscles, known as rhabdomyolysis or worst even death

How does it make people behave?

Taking PCP can lead to a severe psychotic state. This is a mental condition that stops you from thinking clearly, telling the difference between reality and your imagination, and acting in a normal way. These states are temporary.

How and Where to Get Angel Dust, PCP

You can get angel dust or PCP through a number of channels.

Buy Angel Dust  Online

The best online most reliable chemical supplying store is Psychedeler. At Psychedeler be sure to buy pure Phencyclidine powder online. We have PCP liquid for sale, PCP Crystalline Powder for sale,  Angel dust for sale.

Buy Angel Dust on the Dark Net

There are a lot of laboratories posting Phencyclidine for sale on the dark web.

Buy PCP Phencyclidine on the street.

You can get angel dust for sale on the streets at good prices. You can look for a local dealer and ask. You can also ask from friends of friends.

Where can I buy Phencyclidine in Wholesale Legally?

You are already in the right place. We offer wholesale PCP angel dust for sale.




Additional information


25 Grams, 100 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1 Kilogram

8 reviews for Buy PCP (Angel Dust)

4.5 Average Rating Rated ( 8 Reviews )

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  1. Kai Grover

    I have ordered a handful of times, and have occasionally contacted customer service with some questions and requests. They provided assistance in a courteous and professional manner. They also have an excellent rewards program.

  2. Browning

    For me PCP was very mellow and peaceful i smoked it, insulated its rare powder form all i can say is my hallucinations were dreamy colorful ect ect

  3. Van Ralte

    If you’re like me and love dissos than it’s pretty cool. I’m assuming you’re going to dip it on a cigarette and smoke it, this method has a really harsh chemical taste, in my experience the high is self is pretty nice, I just get lost in my thoughts or videos on my phone, I’ve never once stripped down but makes and ran through the street like a jackass so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. One thing I do recommend about using PCP, please stay really hydrated, this is a disso anesthetic, so it dehydrates you, treat it like your in a hospital and how they’d have fluids running through you when they administer anesthesia

  4. Gowland

    Amazing 😉u

    Amazing 😉 stuff

  5. Konrad Sims

    Datura is the king of deliriants PCP is the king of dissos and DMt is the king of psychs

  6. Warner Warn

    Excellent pricing, my only complaint is how long it took from when the order was placed, to when I received the product. I took almost 6 days.

  7. Clester

    Threshold 1 – 3 mg
    Light 3 – 5 mg
    Common 5 – 10 mg
    Strong 10 – 15 mg
    Heavy 15mg+
    Heavy doses may result in psychosis and mania.

  8. Amiet

    Product is always great, questions answered immediately, and issues resolved positively! Great staff and service! Wouldn’t go anywhere else!

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